Here are some of the ones I have identified so far:
Maternal instinct--the instinct in mammalian females to care for their young; and, in the case of herd species, to care for the young of others. I believe this is present in the female psychopath, as I have evidenced it. For example, once when I was in the crossfire of a gunfight, I instinctively threw myself over a young child standing beside me. My goal here is to identify emotional attitudes (especially towards young children) and eliminate them and replace them with logic.
Survival instinct--Usually damaged in the psychopath. This has been an interesting thought process for me, as I have struggled to find a reason to live without using emotion. The most common account for the goodness of life is the deprivation account, which states that by dying, one is deprived of good things that could have come to them in the future. However, death also ensures an end to bad things happening to the individual; thus, if the person's life is overwhelmingly bad, death is not a negative but a positive. As my life has been overwhelmingly negative, death would not be a negative experience for me. Another paradigm by which to approach death is the value of life approach, judging a person's worth by their present and future contribution to society. I have not finalized my thoughts on this.
Seeing faces--This is a very interesting instinct:
I will add more as I come up with them.